Lots-Of-Lock L1 Airdrop

Congratulations, you’ve received a free airdrop of 1,000,000 LOLL1 tokens! They’re already in your wallet, in fact!

Just like the Lamina1 LL1 airdrop tokens, they unlock gradually over time. We like to think long-term here at Locked.LOL, though, so the vesting period is set to the current age of the universe, starting from the mainnet launch on 2024-05-28.

That’s roughly 7% per billion years, so don’t spend it all in one place!

While the tokens unlock, you can still spend them and trade them, unlike the soulbound LL1. Every time you transfer some, the unlockable value will automatically unwrap to L1 in your wallet. Or you can click the button below to manually perform an unwrap whenever you want.


Current tokens:

Locked:? LOLL1
Unlockable:? LOLL1

Balance:? L1

(Note that the gas fees for an unwrap are about 0.002 L1...)

Contract info for adding to MetaMask:

LOLL1: 0xD57b3095E29dF453f84eCD5C0A1ffb71dF5b4a6a

(On the Lamina1 mainnet)