“The economy views illiquid assets as defective, and ‘fixes’ them.”

Welcome to Locked.LOL!

This site provides some extra services for the Lamina1 Open Metaverse blockchain, which was just publicly launched on May 28.

We’ve got some cool future plans for when the staking and governance features are released, but in the meantime, we offer the Discount NFT Bridge service to bring your favorite items from the betanet to the mainnet.

We also have an airdrop of LOLL1 tokens, just for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are you?

Locked.LOL is run by @EdKeyes, a long-time community member of the Lamina1 Discord, but this is not an official Lamina1 project. (Atto¢ash is another effort of ours.)

Is this legit?

Well, I mean, you probably shouldn’t trust this answer, but yes, it is. If something went wrong, it’s a bug, not a scam, so please contact us at help@locked.lol.

But if this is legit, why is your site so ugly?

Dammit, Jim, I’m a programmer, not a web designer!

Why are you charging for NFTs?

You know, the Hub was supposed to charge 1 L1, and I was going to look like an absolute hero with a price 1/10 of that. Then they said, “Oh, we’ll just make minting free for launch,” and instantly destroyed my whole business model. So, yeah, I’m still charging 0.01 L1 because the lolcats at home need their cheezburgers. You won’t notice it, and you got the tokens for free anyway.

Does the NFT bridge only work with betanet items?

Betanet items are what we tested it with, but if you want to try bridging NFTs from elsewhere... hey, it might work.

How does the NFT bridge know the item is mine?

Don’t worry, we trust you.

How can I add my NFTs to MetaMask?

The contract address is 0xC9E2B514314964252717b39763587aEc799cbaE7, and you can get the token ID from the long number at the end of its Hub URL, after the final hyphen.

My item is just a blinking blue dot in the Hub!

Ugh, sorry about that. There was a bug where if you clicked the Mint button really quick after pasting in the item URL, it could get minted in an incomplete state. It should be burned and re-minted, but you might need to use MetaMask to burn it if the Hub doesn’t let you. Again, my apologies...

Is the LOLL1 airdrop a joke?

Well, yeah... But it’s a good joke! And the token is a genuine ERC20 contract which genuinely unlocks into genuine L1, so feel free to trade it to people for their cool NFTs.

How can I contact you?

If you have any questions or need support, please reach out to us at help@locked.lol or ping @EdKeyes on the Lamina1 Discord server.

Also feel free to send us a tip on our Hub profile: @lockedlol.